Response to the World Bank .mp4   Flash
Choosing not to accept the Secretariat's invitation to attend the Tribunal, the World Bank instead posted a response to the Tribunalproceedings as well as a " Question and Answer" document on India's World Bank homepage.  [More]
Delhi Water Privatisation Plan .mp4   Flash
When the Delhi government decided to privatize the water infrastructure in the Indian capital in 2000, a strong resistance movement emerged. These activists, which include Arvind Kejriwal, have played a critical role of maintaining access to water for Delhiites and have shown the power of collective action.  [More]
World Bank and Food Security .mp4   Flash
"There is enough evidence now that the Structural Adjustment Programs initiated by the World Bank have been associated with severe reduction in food subsidies in a large number of countries."  [More]
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Tribunal Downloads
Press Release
25 sept. 2007
(PDF, 53 Ko)
Programme Schedule
(PDF, 266 Ko)
Concept Note (Hindi, PDF,
884 Ko)

Arvin Kejriwal -Delhi Water Privatization
Amit Bhaduri - Response to the World Bank
Madhura Swaminathan - World Bank and Food Security
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