Arundhati Roy

" The Narmada movement is one wonderful example how the World Bank without a single study had been done was there with its cheque book ready to sign the money over the bank. And when the World Bank pulled out the Government took over and when the World Bank stopped funding dams for so many years it was the Supreme Court which brought the World Bank in.

So today if its not the World Bank its going to be somebody else because what this new whole liberal policy has done is to create this constituency in India of middle class people who are willing to fight for this to nail who are willing to answer why these rehabilitation policies in the Narmada to dear to say look it doesn't matter how much evil you have to do to do good. Somebody has to pay the price and that how it's going to be."

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Arvin Kejriwal -Delhi Water Privatization
Amit Bhaduri - Response to the World Bank
Madhura Swaminathan - World Bank and Food Security


Translators needed for upcoming volume on the proceedings and for the Web site
Film makers and video editors needed!
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