Aruna Roy

"I am amazed at the level and the depth of our thought and I think there lies, for us, tremendous opportunity. The opportunity is to listen to people and as we listen to each other to go and listen to the people of India and I think we need to collectively do huge yatras, and I feel once again, that I need to know the pulse of India. Perhaps, we need to know the pulse of India, to take this political battle again, the answers will not come from us. The answers will come from people who do not belong to our class, who are not fully represented in this meeting.

While we can articulate the problems very well, I think the answers will not come from us anymore. I think, in very many cases, I feel, we are bankrupt and pauperized in our minds, therefore I think the answers will come from completely different group which as individuals and as groups and as part of movements can't be recognized but it has not become a large political mass which can use its bargaining power in India today to get things done."


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Arvin Kejriwal -Delhi Water Privatization
Amit Bhaduri - Response to the World Bank
Madhura Swaminathan - World Bank and Food Security


Translators needed for upcoming volume on the proceedings and for the Web site
Film makers and video editors needed!
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